The Ullman family began winegrowing in 1968. Ed and his father planted their first vines at Kings Oak Vineyards that same year. It was there, in Huntingdon Valley, Pennsylvania, that they started honing their winegrowing skills; a process continuing to this day.
In 1986, Ed and his wife Lisa, purchased Rushland Ridge Vineyards. That first year they started growing vines at Rushland Ridge. The first planting was one acre of French-American Hybrid, and Native American wine grapes. By 1991 their production enabled them to open their Pennsylvania limited winery. Currently, there are approximately six acres of vineyards, with Chardonnay, Cabernet Franc, & (our newest varietal) Traminette in the latest planting in 2008. Future expansion is in the plans of the operation.
Our winegrowing philosophy is to make and offer wines of consistent quality at a reasonable price. We hope this will afford our customers the pleasure of enjoying our wine with their meals or at any occasion.
Come visit our winery soon!
The Ullmans
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